Welcome to the Toy
Outboard Motor website! My name is Bob McDonald and I hope you enjoy viewing it as much I
enjoyed creating it! Please feel free to email me with any
questions or suggestions to improve the site.
If you have any
unusual toy outboards you would like to share please send me a picture
at JB6290@aol.com
Join the Toy Boat and Toy Outboard Motor Yahoo!
Email Group!
is Free!
Join your fellow collectors emailing back and forth about toy
outboard motors, toy and model boats, real boats and real outboard
motors. Get the latest information. Make sure you sign
up to be able to use the website, which is also Free, so you can
view pictures of other people's collections and post your own
pictures. Just click the link below then hit the blue
"Join this Group" link at the top right hand part of the
page. Just make up a Yahoo user name and password and you're
here to visit the group.
K&O Toy Outboards:
Toy Outboards:
Manufactured Toy Outboards:
Toy and Model
Real Boats and Motors:
My name is Robert McDonald and
I'm an avid collector of toy outboard motors and boats. The purpose of
this website is to be a Reference Guide to help collectors, through the
use of color pictures and descriptions, to identify toy outboards and
boats they find or have in their collection. I hope to
continue to add text to the site to compliment the pictures and give
the history of these wonderful old toys. The toys on this website are not
for sale. Indeed, I'm not trying to sell anything although a few others
on this site are selling products that I think are very good for the
collector. I am a collector, however, and always looking to buy and
trade motors. Please email me at JB6290@aol.com
if you have a toy outboard or boat you would like to sell or trade. The
best sources to buy motors are Jack Browning, Bill Arick, Terry Topjun,
Alterscale and Ebay. If you're looking for toy outboard motor stands,
excellent stands are still available from Bill Arick, Scott Smith and
Don Hay.
Jack Browning has a New
2013 edition of his book called the Toy Outboard Motor Book.
It has 400 pages filled with toy boats and outboard motors including 100 new pages, an updated collector's list, many, many magazine ads
from K&O and other manufacturers, pictures of all the motors,
etc. This is a comprehensive look at toy outboards.
The price is $75 plus $10 postage. Contact Jack at: JBrow9945@aol.com
and send a payment to Jack Browning, PO Box 65, Hardy, VA 24101
Email Bob McDonald at: JB6290@aol.com
site was last updated:
Click here to contact webmaster: Mikee